Prostrating under the rain with warmth
2016-07-20 16-12-28 来源: 作者:Miao Zhang 点击:次
<P align=center><FONT size=4><FONT color=#a52a2a size=5><STRONG>温暖雨中行<BR></STRONG></FONT><FONT color=#a52a2a face=Calibri>Prostrating under the rain with warmth<BR></FONT></FONT></P></FONT><P></P>
<P align=center><BR><IMG src="/fileroot/bos/upload/htmleditor/4946296b-ff57-42d0-b335-9cb15e72d5fc/ed1f253a-8a26-4fbb-9f65-04b51fa7136e.png"><BR><BR><FONT color=#000000 size=4 face=宋体>
<P><FONT size=4><FONT face=Calibri><FONT color=#000000> 5月20日,清晨四点。天还没有亮,朝山的师兄们都在忙忙碌碌地洗漱。4:30到斋堂,准备早斋后跟随仁炟法师去朝山(因为腿伤,法师近期仍需要在寺院理疗)。到斋堂时,师父已经在用斋。看着他老人家慈悲可亲、面带微笑的面孔,此时此刻我的心里暖融融的。 尽管天空中的雨一直在下,也没有阻挡住我们这一行人跟随师父叩拜的信心。<BR><ALIGN="LEFT"></FONT></FONT><FONT size=4><FONT color=#000000 face=Calibri> It was 20th May, 4 o’clock in the morning. It was still dark. Brothers and sisters who were participating in the three-step-one-prostration were busy preparing themselves. We gathered at the canteen at 4.30 and would depart after having a quick breakfast together with Ven. Ren Da. (Due to his leg injury, every day after the prostration, Ven. Ren Da had to return to the temple to receive treatment). When I arrived at the canteen, Venerable was already there having his breakfast. Seeing his compassionate and smiling face, I felt warm in my heart. Although it was raining all the way, it did not deter us from following Venerable. </FONT></P>
<P><BR><FONT color=#000000><FONT face=Calibri> </FONT>车子飞驰在弯弯曲曲的路上,很快,来到了叩拜的节点处。找到昨天做的标记,老法师开始做朝山前的准备工作:穿上雨衣,带好护膝和手套。老人家左手拄着拐杖,右手推着拜凳,缓慢地开始了雨中的叩拜。有弟子轻声地劝师父:“能不能等晴天以后咱再拜,您老人家的腿伤还没好呢!雨天湿气太大了。”师父笑着说:“下雨了,是佛菩萨在考验仁炟,咱们要经得起考验!” <BR></FONT><FONT size=4><FONT color=#000000 face=Calibri> We drove along a winding road and soon we reached the point where the team last stopped. After we found the mark that was made yesterday, venerable put on his raincoat, gloves and knee protectors. He held a crutch on his left hand and his right hand pushing a simple cart-cum-prostration-cushion and began the prostration slowly under the rain. A follower gently asked venerable: “Can we do it when the rain stops? Your legs are not recovered yet and the weather is too humid.” Venerable replied with a smile: “The Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are testing us. We have to get through it!” </FONT>
<P><BR><FONT color=#000000><FONT face=Calibri> </FONT>正在大家伙儿也在准备着穿雨衣等行头时,师父忽热转过身来,关爱地说:“雨很大,大家不必跪拜了,顶礼即可。”一时间,大家伙儿都一怔,仿佛有些不知所措。师父还在叩拜啊,却只让我们顶礼即可。温暖,油然而生。<BR><ALIGN="LEFT"><ALIGN="LEFT"></FONT><FONT size=4><FONT color=#000000 face=Calibri> While everybody was preparing to wear raincoat, Venerable turned around and said: “The rain is heavy, all of you no need to prostrate, just bow your bodies will do.” All of us were astonished and did not know what to do. Venerable asked us to bow only but he prostrated himself. A feeling of warmth grew in our hearts. </FONT>
<P><BR><FONT color=#000000><FONT face=Calibri> </FONT>“言必信、行必果”,老人家说出的话掷地有声。在他叩拜着的身后,跟拜的师兄们每人拿着一把伞,按顺序排着队,合十、顶礼。大家默默地跟随着,在缤纷的花伞下,队伍连绵起伏。远远望来,红色、黑色、黄色,蓝色,宛如七彩的摩尼宝,在飘雨的山路上,编织成一条美丽的彩带,流动着。<BR><ALIGN="LEFT"></FONT><FONT size=4><FONT color=#000000 face=Calibri> "Promises must be kept and actions must be resolute.” What the elderly Venerable used to say was proven once again. Behind Venerable, each of us was holding an umbrella, queued in a line and followed the prostration orderly. We followed quietly, the whole team was prostrating up and down under the colourful umbrellas: red, black, yellow and blue, weaving into a beautiful ribbon and flowing on the road under the rain. </FONT>
<P><BR><FONT color=#000000><FONT face=Calibri> </FONT>天很冷,雨水打在身上很凉。叩拜了一段路,休息的时候,彼此看一看,都是湿漉漉的,也分不清脸上的是汗水还是雨水。有的师兄,额头上还黏着草叶,旁边的师 兄看到了,笑着为他轻轻地抹掉;有的师兄把伞让给了别人,自己却全身湿透;有的师兄,不顾叩拜的劳累,跑前跑后地为大家送水、送服务。小小的朝山队伍里 面,处处洋溢着爱心和互助,让这阴冷的雨天也变得温暖、柔和起来。<BR><ALIGN="LEFT"></FONT><FONT size=4><FONT color=#000000 face=Calibri> The day was so cold and the rain was chilly when it hit our bodies. After prostrating for some time we took a break. We could not differentiate between rain and sweat on the face as we were all wet. Some brothers took away the leaf that stuck on other’s forehead, some gave his umbrella to other and stayed under the rain himself and some served others water he himself was very tired. It was a small team but it was full with love and care, it made the cold weather warm. </FONT>
<P><BR><FONT color=#000000><FONT face=Calibri> </FONT>师父看着我们,微笑着。稍事休息后,又带着大家继续向前朝拜。尘世中,疲惫的身心终于放松下来。在这弯曲的山路上,在这朦朦的细雨中,享受着槐花飘香,小鸟欢唱,一路上,大家既兴奋,又感慨。兴奋的是雨中朝山竟是这样宁静安然。清新的空气沁人心脾,飘洒的甘露除却尘垢,整个人由内而外地纯净。感慨的是,朝山之路依旧漫长,明日还将有何许的艰辛呢?<BR><ALIGN="LEFT"></FONT><FONT size=4><FONT color=#000000 face=Calibri> Looking at us, Venerable smiled. We continued the journey after resting for a while. Our minds and bodies were relaxed. Under the drizzling rain, along this winding road, we enjoyed the scent of flowers and the birds’ singing. Everyone was happy yet emotional. Happy that the prostration under the rain was so peaceful and the air was so clean; emotional that the prostration journey seemed endless and what kind of difficulties will we encounter tomorrow? </FONT>
<P><BR><FONT color=#000000><FONT face=Calibri> </FONT>就是这样叩拜着,渐渐地,没有了纷乱的思绪,没有了尊严的顾虑,没有了扰人的烦恼,没有了种种的执着。只有眼前的路越来越清晰、明朗,一颗心愈来愈淡定、平和。跟随着行者的脚步,万般滋味在起伏中消融殆尽。忽然之前,感到一种前所未有的温暖、光明与祥和。<BR><ALIGN="LEFT"></FONT><FONT size=4><FONT color=#000000 face=Calibri> As we kept on prostrating, all the messy thoughts were gone, no more arrogance associated with our so-called dignity, no more worries and we just let go of all kinds of feelings. All we saw was that the road in front of us was getting clearer and clearer, our hearts were getting more calm and peaceful. Following the steps of the ascetic practitioner, our thousands of thoughts and feelings just vanished in the ups and downs. Warmth and tranquillity not experienced before arose in our hearts. <BR></FONT>
<P><FONT color=#000000><FONT face=Calibri> </FONT>感恩诸佛菩萨,感恩老法师,感恩这雨中的朝山所带给我的温暖体验。心中也默默地祈求,愿诸佛菩萨加持护佑,愿朝山之行顺利圆满,平安吉祥!<BR><ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=4 face=Calibri> I was so grateful to Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Venerable for this warm experience of prostrating under the rain. I prayed inside my heart that Buddhas will empower the prostration team so that the journey can be completed smoothly and safely.</FONT></FONT></P></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT> 分享按钮